Source code for jishaku.shim.paginator_200

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

jishaku.paginators (shim for 2.0.0)

Paginator-related tools and interfaces for Jishaku.

:copyright: (c) 2021 Devon (Gorialis) R
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import typing

import discord
from discord import ui
from discord.ext import commands

from jishaku.shim.paginator_base import EMOJI_DEFAULT

T = typing.TypeVar('T', bound=ui.View)

MaybeButton = typing.Union[discord.Interaction, ui.Button[T]]

def button_either_arg(
    a: MaybeButton[T],
    b: MaybeButton[T]
) -> typing.Tuple[discord.Interaction, ui.Button[T]]:
    Compatibility function to allow interaction and button to come in either order

    if isinstance(a, discord.Interaction):
        return (a, b)  # type: ignore
    return (b, a)  # type: ignore

[docs] class PaginatorInterface(ui.View): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ A message and reaction based interface for paginators. This allows users to interactively navigate the pages of a Paginator, and supports live output. An example of how to use this with a standard Paginator: .. code:: python3 from discord.ext import commands from jishaku.paginators import PaginatorInterface # In a command somewhere... # Paginators need to have a reduced max_size to accommodate the extra text added by the interface. paginator = commands.Paginator(max_size=1900) # Populate the paginator with some information for line in range(100): paginator.add_line(f"Line {line + 1}") # Create and send the interface. # The 'owner' field determines who can interact with this interface. If it's None, anyone can use it. interface = PaginatorInterface(, paginator, await interface.send_to(ctx) # send_to creates a task and returns control flow. # It will raise if the interface can't be created, e.g., if there's no reaction permission in the channel. # Once the interface has been sent, line additions have to be done asynchronously, so the interface can be updated. await interface.add_line("My, the Earth sure is full of things!") # You can also check if it's closed using the 'closed' property. if not interface.closed: await interface.add_line("I'm still here!") """ def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot, paginator: commands.Paginator, **kwargs: typing.Any): if not isinstance(paginator, commands.Paginator): # type: ignore raise TypeError('paginator must be a commands.Paginator instance') self._display_page = 0 = bot self.message = None self.paginator = paginator self.owner = kwargs.pop('owner', None) self.emojis = kwargs.pop('emoji', EMOJI_DEFAULT) self.timeout_length = kwargs.pop('timeout', 7200) self.delete_message = kwargs.pop('delete_message', False) self.sent_page_reactions = False self.task: typing.Optional[asyncio.Task[None]] = None self.send_lock: asyncio.Event = asyncio.Event() self.close_exception: typing.Optional[BaseException] = None if self.page_size > self.max_page_size: raise ValueError( f'Paginator passed has too large of a page size for this interface. ' f'({self.page_size} > {self.max_page_size})' ) super().__init__(timeout=self.timeout_length) @property def pages(self): """ Returns the paginator's pages without prematurely closing the active page. """ # protected access has to be permitted here to not close the paginator's pages # pylint: disable=protected-access paginator_pages = list(self.paginator._pages) # type: ignore if len(self.paginator._current_page) > 1: # type: ignore paginator_pages.append( '\n'.join(self.paginator._current_page) # type: ignore + '\n' + (self.paginator.suffix or '') ) # pylint: enable=protected-access return paginator_pages @property def page_count(self): """ Returns the page count of the internal paginator. """ return len(self.pages) @property def display_page(self): """ Returns the current page the paginator interface is on. """ self._display_page = max(0, min(self.page_count - 1, self._display_page)) return self._display_page @display_page.setter def display_page(self, value: int): """ Sets the current page the paginator is on. Automatically pushes values inbounds. """ self._display_page = max(0, min(self.page_count - 1, value)) max_page_size = 2000 @property def page_size(self) -> int: """ A property that returns how large a page is, calculated from the paginator properties. If this exceeds `max_page_size`, an exception is raised upon instantiation. """ page_count = self.page_count return self.paginator.max_size + len(f'\nPage {page_count}/{page_count}') @property def send_kwargs(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """ A property that returns the kwargs forwarded to send/edit when updating the page. As this must be compatible with both `discord.TextChannel.send` and `discord.Message.edit`, it should be a dict containing 'content', 'embed' or both. """ content = self.pages[self.display_page] return {'content': content, 'view': self}
[docs] def update_view(self): """ Updates view buttons to correspond to current interface state. This is used internally. """ self.button_start.label = f"1 \u200b {self.emojis.start}" self.button_previous.label = str(self.emojis.back) self.button_current.label = str(self.display_page + 1) self.button_next.label = str(self.emojis.forward) self.button_last.label = f"{self.emojis.end} \u200b {self.page_count}" self.button_close.label = f"{self.emojis.close} \u200b Close paginator"
[docs] async def add_line(self, *args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any): """ A proxy function that allows this PaginatorInterface to remain locked to the last page if it is already on it. """ display_page = self.display_page page_count = self.page_count self.paginator.add_line(*args, **kwargs) new_page_count = self.page_count if display_page + 1 == page_count: # To keep position fixed on the end, update position to new last page and update message. self._display_page = new_page_count # Unconditionally set send lock to try and guarantee page updates on unfocused pages self.send_lock.set()
[docs] async def send_to(self, destination: """ Sends a message to the given destination with this interface. This automatically creates the response task for you. """ self.message = await destination.send( **self.send_kwargs, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none() ) self.send_lock.set() if self.task: self.task.cancel() self.task = return self
@property def closed(self): """ Is this interface closed? """ if not self.task: return False return self.task.done()
[docs] async def send_lock_delayed(self): """ A coroutine that returns 1 second after the send lock has been released This helps reduce release spam that hits rate limits quickly """ gathered = await self.send_lock.wait() self.send_lock.clear() await asyncio.sleep(1) return gathered
[docs] async def wait_loop(self): """ Waits on a loop for updates to the interface. This should not be called manually - it is handled by `send_to`. """ if not self.message: raise RuntimeError("Message not set on PaginatorInterface") if not raise RuntimeError("A PaginatorInterface cannot be started while the bot is offline") try: # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks while not await asyncio.wait_for(self.send_lock_delayed(), timeout=self.timeout_length) self.update_view() try: await self.message.edit(**self.send_kwargs) except discord.NotFound: # something terrible has happened return except (asyncio.CancelledError, asyncio.TimeoutError) as exception: self.close_exception = exception if # Can't do anything about the messages, so just close out to avoid noisy error return # If the message was already deleted, this part is unnecessary if not self.message: return if self.delete_message: await self.message.delete() else: await self.message.edit(view=None)
[docs] async def interaction_check(self, *args: typing.Any): """Check that determines whether this interaction should be honored""" *_, interaction = args # type: ignore #149 interaction: discord.Interaction return not self.owner or ==
[docs] @ui.button(label="1 \u200b \N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}", style=discord.ButtonStyle.secondary) async def button_start(self, a: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface'], b: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface']): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Button to send interface to first page""" interaction, _ = button_either_arg(a, b) self._display_page = 0 self.update_view() await interaction.response.edit_message(**self.send_kwargs)
[docs] @ui.button(label="\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE}", style=discord.ButtonStyle.secondary) async def button_previous(self, a: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface'], b: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface']): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Button to send interface to previous page""" interaction, _ = button_either_arg(a, b) self._display_page -= 1 self.update_view() await interaction.response.edit_message(**self.send_kwargs)
[docs] @ui.button(label="1", style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary) async def button_current(self, a: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface'], b: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface']): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Button to refresh the interface""" interaction, _ = button_either_arg(a, b) self.update_view() await interaction.response.edit_message(**self.send_kwargs)
[docs] @ui.button(label="\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE}", style=discord.ButtonStyle.secondary) async def button_next(self, a: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface'], b: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface']): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Button to send interface to next page""" interaction, _ = button_either_arg(a, b) self._display_page += 1 self.update_view() await interaction.response.edit_message(**self.send_kwargs)
[docs] @ui.button(label="\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR} \u200b 1", style=discord.ButtonStyle.secondary) async def button_last(self, a: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface'], b: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface']): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Button to send interface to last page""" interaction, _ = button_either_arg(a, b) self._display_page = self.page_count - 1 self.update_view() await interaction.response.edit_message(**self.send_kwargs)
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING or hasattr(ui, 'TextInput'):
[docs] class PageChangeModal(ui.Modal, title="Go to page"): """Modal that prompts users for the page number to change to""" page_number: ui.TextInput[ui.Modal] = ui.TextInput(label="Page number", style=discord.TextStyle.short) def __init__(self, interface: 'PaginatorInterface', *args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any): super().__init__(*args, timeout=interface.timeout_length, **kwargs) self.interface = interface self.page_number.label = f"Page number (1-{interface.page_count})" self.page_number.min_length = 1 self.page_number.max_length = len(str(interface.page_count))
[docs] async def on_submit(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): try: if not self.page_number.value: raise ValueError("Page number not filled") self.interface.display_page = int(self.page_number.value) - 1 except ValueError: await interaction.response.send_message( content=f"``{self.page_number.value}`` could not be converted to a page number", ephemeral=True ) else: self.interface.update_view() await interaction.response.edit_message(**self.interface.send_kwargs)
[docs] @ui.button(label="\N{RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK} \u200b Go to page", style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary) async def button_goto(self, a: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface'], b: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface']): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Button to jump directly to a page""" interaction, _ = button_either_arg(a, b) await interaction.response.send_modal(self.PageChangeModal(self))
[docs] @ui.button(label="\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP} \u200b Close paginator", style=discord.ButtonStyle.danger) async def button_close(self, a: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface'], b: MaybeButton['PaginatorInterface']): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Button to close the interface""" message = self.message self.message = None if self.task: self.task.cancel() self.stop() if message: await message.delete()
[docs] class PaginatorEmbedInterface(PaginatorInterface): """ A subclass of :class:`PaginatorInterface` that encloses content in an Embed. """ def __init__(self, *args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any): self._embed = kwargs.pop('embed', None) or discord.Embed() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def send_kwargs(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: self._embed.description = self.pages[self.display_page] return {'embed': self._embed, 'view': self} max_page_size = 2048 @property def page_size(self) -> int: return self.paginator.max_size